
Created: 15 Feb 2017

Author:  Chen Xie



1 Jenkins Install

CentOS 7

1.1 Repo file

add repo file under /etc/yum.repos.d/


1.2 Install

yum update
yum install jenkins

2 Jenkins Config

find jenkins config file rpm -ql jenkins, normally, you can see /etc/sysconfig/jenkins

edit /etc/sysconfig/jenkins file. e.g. JENKINS_PORT for which port jenkins is listening.

3 Startup

service jenkins start/stop/restart

3.1 Explain

service run System V init scripts, which are under /etc/init.d/.

We can also use systemctl

difference between service and systemctl

4 Setup Process

4.1 Admin

  1. Create new item with name Blog-{name}
  2. Send GitLab CI Service URL and Secret Token under Build Triggers to User
  3. generate ssh key pair & send public key to User.
ssh-keygen -t rsa -f ~/Documents/sshkey/{name}

4.2 User

  1. Fork Blog Template
  2. Add ssh public key to account
  3. Add webhook under Integration of this project;
  4. Generate Gitlab Access Token; send project git url & Access Token to Admin

4.3 Admin

  1. Create Configure System->Gitlab Connection using User Access Token with name Gitlab-API-Token-{username}
  2. Complete new item configuration using ssh private key with name sshKey-{username}.

5 Reference

Jenkins Gitlab-plugin doc

# jenkins gitlab linux